Andreas Hohl
Ricercatore in matematica
Conferenze ed attività
Prossime conferenze
Attività organizzativa
Conferenze passate
09/2024: The geometry of the Fourier transform of Stokes local systems ,
An ode to Geometry , Unversidade de Lisboa, Lissabon (Portogallo)
01/2024: Nearby cycles for irregular D-modules via enhanced ind-sheaves ,
Oberseminar Algebra und Zahlentheorie , Universität Augsburg (Germania)
12/2023: D-modules and the irregular Riemann-Hilbert correspondence ,
Seminar Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry , Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgica)
07/2023: Field extensions, irregular singularities and constructible sheaves ,
Oberseminar Algebra und Theoretische Mathematik , Technische Universität Chemnitz (Germania)
06/2023: Ind-Sheaves and the Fourier transform of Stokes data ,
Microlocal sheaf theory and the work of Pierre Schapira , Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbona (Portogallo)
Programma ´´The Stokes Phenomenon and its Applications in Mathematics and Physics´´ , Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook (Stati Uniti)
05/2023: A topological approach to D-modules and Stokes phenomena ,
Séminaire Mathjeunes , Jussieu, Paris (Francia)
04/2023: The notion of R-triple and various functors ,
Arbeitsgemeinschaft ´´Twistor D-Modules and the Decomposition Theorem´´ , Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (Germania)
06/2022: Moderate and rapid decay nearby cycles via enhanced ind-sheaves ,
Algebraic Analysis and Geometry , Università degli Studi di Padova
12/2021: Enhanced perverse sheaves and applications to hypergeometric systems ,
Séminaire Groupes, Représentations et Géométrie , IMJ-PRG, Paris (Francia)
11/2021: Betti structures of hypergeometric systems ,
Seminar on D-modules and applications , Universität Bayreuth (Germania)
10/2021: D-modules, (ir-)regular singularities and the Stokes phenomenon ,
RéGA (Réseau des Étudiants en Géométrie Algébrique) , Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris (Francia)
09/2021: Irregular perverse sheaves II (after T. Kuwagaki) ,
Summer School ´´Irregular Riemann–Hilbert correspondence´´ , Aussois (Francia)
01/2020: Riemann–Hilbert and D-modules of pure Gaussian type ,
Oberseminar ,,Algebra und Theoretische Mathematik´´ , Technische Universität Chemnitz (Germania)
05/2019: D-modules of pure Gaussian type and Fourier–Laplace transform , Conferenza “D-Modules and the Riemann–Hilbert correspondence” , Humboldt-Universität Berlin (Germania)